Total of $10,000 by July 1st
So that we may support over 100 youth participants (ages 8-11), invest in Hinche, Haiti's economy, & hire local unemployed community members
$5 ... supplies arts & craft and basic school supplies (3 pens, 3 pencils, sharpener, 2 notebooks)
$10... gives ETE Camp T-shirts for a youth participant
$20... funds for a week of gas/coal used to cook
$50... provides Entire summer full of meals for an ETE participant
$100... supplies children with clean drinking water for water breaks/meals
$300... cost to send an ETE Camp participant to school in the fall
$500… cost to send a *child worker to BOTH ETE Camp and School in the Fall
*Most ETE Camp youth participants are domestic child laborers who do not attend school regularly