Our Vision for ETE 2010

  • *Host 70 Youth Participants ---including 43 Youth Participants from ETE 2009
  • Hire & train local young adults to be counselors--- Community has a stake in the development of their youth; creates employment opportunities
  • Extend the camp’s duration--- Image the amount a child can learn with more time; if in less than week ETE taught an illiterate child how to write their name
  • ETE Parent Community-Organizing Workshop ---Encourage parents to be an active part of the rising efforts for social change
  • Create productive ETE Alumni Network--- Provide the tools and opportunities for continued growth as individuals and as a group who went through a powerful experience together
  • Award full school scholarships to selected ETE alums--- Due to economic difficulties, some of the ETE youth cannot attend school some years, resulting in gaps in their education; We want to help end that
*Due to the overwhelming amount of evacuees going to Hinche, Haiti post the Haiti Earthquake; incoming ETE youth participants will include displaced youth now living in Hinche**